Semi-Old &
Post- Career

Media Technology Explorer, gratefully serving all sentient beings -- now hosting events in Virtual Reality, Session Leader for Tripp, Inc.

In Street Art Break in VR, I present great public art from around the world to discuss and enjoy

Death Q&A and Saying Goodbye are open discussions of topics not usually discussed, that I host or co-host in VR every week

I am a Director of  Africa VR Campus and work with its Founder in Nairobi, Kenya, Paul Mwithiga

I am a supporter of EdThruVR, based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and advisor to Svay Sanuch, Founder

Street Art Break in VR

Street Art is impermanent and Virtual Reality is where it goes to live longer.

We use 360 images and photogrammetry -- but the purpose is People -- People reacting to art together.

Death Q&A  and Saying Goodbye were featured in MIT Tech Review  

The article treats VR and Tech by focusing a universal human experience of death and loss

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Meditations on Mortality is a ten-part series of meditations I wrote and produced

It is featured on the Tripp meditation app

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I have published over 250 articles on Medium, where, along with Sub-Stack, I enjoy a modest following

On the other hand, my work has not appeared in The New York Times, New Yorker Magazine, The New Republic, the New England Journal of Medicine, or New Age Journal.

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I make
Ice Cream

Ice cream is special and often part of special events, such as Kid Birthdays

In nice weather, ice cream becomes a thing-to-do after dinner and there’s always hard decisions at the freezer

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